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John Holland

  • #1 in Construction & property services
  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Sustainability at John Holland

8.4 rating for Sustainability, based on 9 reviews
Please comment on your company's efforts in this area.
In my project, there are visible efforts in the environmental footprint but since this is the construction industry, it is a bit more difficult to navigate
Graduate, Sydney
I've rarely seen a printed document in the office and we strive to use and test the latest green technology on our projects. We recently had an exciting project which was testing battery-powered machinery on-site in order to drastically reduce diesel consumption.
Graduate, Melbourne
Always keep this area bright.
Graduate, Auckland
The project WILL NOT disturbed any area not within project boundaries, actively search for areas of scope to be reduced to reduce footprint, while maintaining the project core purpose and deliverables.
Graduate, Sunshine Cosst