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Queensland Audit Office

  • 100 - 500 employees

Management at Queensland Audit Office

9.1 rating for Management, based on 11 reviews
How accessible are managers and do they make good mentors? You may want to address internal communication, performance feedback or praise and recognition.
Managers are very helpful and are genuinely interested in helping you with your career development.
Graduate, Brisbane
They are very nice managers, they are very caring, and you are able to approach them for any questions related to work.
Graduate, Brisbane
My manager has praised how well I've worked and has given me a little bit more responsibility because he trusts me. I haven't been at the company long enough to get any formal performance evaluations but from what was told during the induction process, it is expected that it will be great.
Graduate, Brisbane
They are incredible. I haven't been on an audit long enough to receive feedback yet, but they always make time to help if you need it.
Graduate, Brisbane
My managers check in with me often to make sure I am alright, and are happy to answer any questions I have. There is a software to track performance feedback.
Graduate, Brisbane
The managers are very friendly and approachable. In the first week of working here the Auditor-General and Assistant Auditors-Generals were often having a chat with us in the training room. They assign the newer staff, specifically graduates, with an audit manager who acts as a coach and mentor for you.
Intern, Brisbane
The managers are fantastic and very invested in the grad program. Everyone, no matter their position, will always make themselves available to you for support or just a catch up. All grads have a designated staff manager that they don't work with and are available to have performance and professional development conversations.
Graduate, Brisbane
Mangers, staff managers and mentors have always been accessible. If busy, another manager has been able to sit down for a chat.
Graduate, Brisbane
Due to moving from job to job, managers change regularly. Managers on a line level are understanding and helpful, will work to provide mentorship and feedback on work, always in a constructive manner. There is also a staff manager that is your go to person for career progression and for addressing concerns or performance targets. Executive management is communicative and open, they try not to distance themselves from the organisation. Due to the layout of the office, it is not unusual to find yourself working next to the Auditor General or one of the Executive Management Group.
Midlevel, Brisbane