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Do you have any advice for graduates?

This is advice is crucial for finding a job because this will allow you to thrive in your career.

Being yourself when applying for a job is important because it allows you to present yourself in a genuine and authentic way to potential employers. When you are being true to who you are, you are more likely to find a job that aligns with your values, interests, and skills.

Here are some reasons why being yourself is important when applying for a job:

Cultural fit: Companies want to hire employees who fit into their culture and share their values. Being yourself allows you to show your authentic self and give employers an idea of how you would fit into the company culture.

Job satisfaction: When you are true to yourself, you are more likely to be satisfied with the job you end up with. If you pretend to be someone you're not during the application process, you may end up in a job that doesn't align with your interests, values, or strengths, leading to dissatisfaction and burnout.

Building relationships: When you are genuine during the application process, you are more likely to build meaningful relationships with your potential employer and colleagues. This can lead to a more positive and supportive work environment.

Personal branding: Being authentic in the job application process helps you build a personal brand that reflects who you are, your values, and your strengths. This can be an asset in your career as you build a reputation as a trusted and reliable employee.

Being yourself during the job application process is crucial for finding a job that aligns with your values and interests and allows you to thrive in your career.