Updating Results

Tibra Capital

  • #3 in Trading
  • 100 - 500 employees

Salary at Tibra Capital

7.4 rating for Salary, based on 5 reviews
What are your thoughts on pay and bonuses at your company?
Solid base pay, and opportunity for large bonuses if you perform well and the company is successful.
Graduate, Austinmer
Pay is good, some other firms offer a higher salary though. Hard to say about bonuses since we haven't had a great last couple of years so bonuses haven't been great.
Midlevel, Austinmer
Pay is very good. Bonuses NA
Graduate, Wollongong
What are your company's best or most unusual perks? For example: free tickets, free dinners, moving expenses, taxis, pension, etc.
Free lunch, and encouragement to exercise during work hours.
Graduate, Austinmer
Free lunch and weekly massage
Midlevel, Austinmer
Snack bar, massages, 3 hours of exercise during paid hours.
Graduate, Wollongong