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SW Accountants & Advisors

  • #10 in Accounting & advisory
  • 100 - 500 employees

Diversity at SW Accountants & Advisors

8.4 rating for Diversity, based on 27 reviews
Please provide further information on diversity with respect to women, ethnic minorities and LGBT. Please comment on issues such as recruitment, retention, promotion, child care, maternity leave, etc.
SW has a wide diversity of cultures, ethnic minorities and LGBT staff. The firm has very high employee retention and prefers to promote from within to fill positions whenever possible. I have seen several employees supported through maternity leave with clear opportunity to return.
Graduate, Sydney
I would say our firm is open to all and anyone. I have not seen or experienced any discrimination or exclusion of any kind. I believe we have a very diverse and inclusive culture at SW.
Graduate, Melbourne
There is a pretty equal gender diversity in the workplace with different backgrounds and ethnicities.
Midlevel, Brunswick East
Different kinds of people
My company has a very diverse range of employees in terms of gender, age, and ethnicity. As a woman of colour, I made it clear in the recruitment process that diversity is very important to me and they assured me they have the same outlook as me.
Graduate, Melbourne
I believe that my office is quite diverse and is considerate of women, ethnic minorities and the LGBTQ community. I have seen people of all these categories be hired, and stay successful within the firm and are treated equally..
Graduate, Melbourne
SW is very committed to diversity. They focus on ensuring that the number of women, ethnic minorities and LGBT employees that are in managerial roles is always increasing and offer great parental leave time.
Graduate, Melbourne
The company is good on diversity having many minorities in positions of authority and training for inclusivity.
Graduate, Melbourne
I think it is a diverse firm
Graduate, Melbourne
I feel like there definitely needs to be more communication on diversity with both the message of diversity as well as letting people be themselves and embracing that
Graduate, Melbourne
What does your company do to attract applicants from less privileged backgrounds?
I have not had much experience or knowledge in this area, but I can see that SW has hired several employees from less privileged backgrounds.
Graduate, Sydney
I don't know, but there is policy around it in recruitment.
Graduate, Melbourne
They will ask if you are aboriginal or not.
Midlevel, Brunswick East
My company accepts international students.
Graduate, Melbourne
Overseas employees from south Africa, China, Malaysia, and smaller south eastern countries through SW network.
Graduate, Melbourne
SW attracts applicants from less privileged backgrounds by consistently showing that the organisation is committed to inclusion and wants to hire applicants from less privileged backgrounds.
Graduate, Melbourne
It has a welcoming environment.
Graduate, Melbourne