Updating Results

EY New Zealand

  • > 100,000 employees

Working Hours at EY New Zealand

7.4 rating for Working Hours, based on 7 reviews
How flexible is your company when it comes to hours?
Team dependent - some teams are constantly pushed. Our team is extremely flexible as long as notice is given (e.g. taking the morning off and putting extra hours at night)
Graduate, Auckland
Very flexible when it comes to hours. But sometimes there's a lot of overtime.
Graduate, Auckland
Very flexible hours but definitely do work some overtime when there are deliverables due. But that is part of corporate life and its impossible to have a successful career without putting in some extra work.
Graduate, Wellington
The company is very flexible with working hours. At the moment, we have been quite busy so I probably spend a bit longer working than I would like to.
Midlevel, Auckland
No strict oversight over when I am in the office
Graduate, Wellington
Depending on the project you are on, there is the standard 7.5 hour days however there is flexibility on when you do those hours
Midlevel, Auckland
Super flexible
Midlevel, Auckland