Updating Results

Essential Energy

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Office & Workplace at Essential Energy

9.2 rating for Workplace, based on 10 reviews
Please comment on your company's office space, location and facilities. And while we're at it, please tell us a little about the dress code.
Newly renovated office, with great kitchens and coffee machines, as well as electronic sit/stand desks and ultrawide monitors
Graduate, Port Macquarie
I have mostly been working from home so have not used the office space much
Graduate, Sydney
haven't been onsite to offices
Graduate, Brisbane
Very nice offices, smart casual business dress code.
Graduate, Port Macquarie
Newly renovated with the latest tech and beautiful floristry
Graduate, Brisbane
Modern offices with great facilities. Dress code is casual business or more formal depending on events.
Graduate, Ipswich
The company's main office space is very nice, plenty of desks to work at, meeting rooms to use, aircon, indoor plants, comfortable lunch areas, ping-pong table, etc. The main dress code is smart casual, but anything with a collar, including polo shirts, as long as it is professional and free from profanity, is acceptable.
Graduate, Port Macquarie
It's all really good. I did come from a local council which had a recent renovation which their internal office was better but our office has more facilitates, better quality equipment and most of all better changing facilities (They are like mini motel rooms) and better security.
Graduate, Bonny Hills