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Energy Queensland

  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Amy Phan

5.50 AM

The alarm goes off and I remember I booked myself in for a boxing class. Teeth, hair, outfit and gloves and I’m slowly waking up as I walk to class

6.15 AM

Boxing is held in this dark room with tear-drop boxing bags with booming music. The moment I step into this room, I switch into a different gear.

7.00 AM

The class finishes and I walk back home with adrenaline pumping. After a shower and morning prep, I begin my 7-minute walk to work. As a lover of multitasking, I’m checking my socials to see what happened around the world last night.

7.30 AM

As I exit the lifts, I say good morning to everyone before I settle into my desk to check my calendar and emails. But first COFFEE!  

8.00 AM

I’m feeling a little nervous because I’m running today’s site visit meeting to go through the scope and my marked-up drawings for this project to upgrade the backup protection in the Substation. Double-checking my safety briefing for the site, drawings and looking through my plan of attack, my design team meets at the lifts and we go down the lifts to our pool vehicle. Connecting my phone into the car system, I put on my classic RNB playlist and va-voom we go!

amy with a workmate

10.00 AM

We’re at site and call into the control room to check in at the substation. I begin running through the scope and the marked-up drawings with my design team. My design team consists of a circuitry designer, layout designer, civil engineer, my supervisor who’s my RPEQ, project manager, SCADA engineer and my construction coordinator.

12.00 PM

Phew, that went well and now it’s time for KFC. The Substation Design team have a tradition where we have KFC when we go out to site.

1.00 PM

Back in the office and it’s time for our Substation Design meeting. Today I’m presenting on a unique earthing study I completed and the learnings I got from it that were different from other traditional earthing studies.

3.00 PM

Okay, back to my desk to check some drawings and cross check it with the Australian Standard’s standard drawings. Time to check in with the circuitry and layout designers to see how they’re tracking.

amy checking on circuit designs on a monitor

4.30 PM

My goodness, where did the time go. EEP! Time to race home to my dogs and get ready for netball tonight. Lucky, I live close!

amy with a dog

6.00 PM

Game faces on. Photo of some of the Brisbane grads,  some of us have never played netball before.

Photo of some of the Brisbane grads

7.30 PM

Waddled from my car into the lifts and into my apartment –boxing and netball isn’t a smart combination. Time to relax on the couch and watch the Morning Show on Apple TV.

10.30 PM

Lights out and do it all again tomorrow!