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Aurecon Australia

  • #5 in Engineering consulting
  • 1,000 - 50,000 employees

Management at Aurecon Australia

7.9 rating for Management, based on 25 reviews
How accessible are managers and do they make good mentors? You may want to address internal communication, performance feedback or praise and recognition.
Satisfactory relationship with the managers, easy to approach and willing to provide guidance when needed.
Midlevel, Sydney
My line manager is currently also my mentor. I have easy access to my line manager and can easily communicate anything that I am struggling with or if I want to take leave.
Midlevel, Melbourne
My immediate manager is extremely supportive and works hard to give all of us the feedback, praise and recognition we deserve. He is very accessible. Management generally appears to follow this approach.
Midlevel, Darwin
My manager is always there for me to guide me especially on setting up my goals. She always check my performance feedback to address any issue.
Midlevel, melbourne VIC
Very satisfied, they are welcoming and helpful. Very good with communication and feedback and lines of discussion from managers is an important thing to the company
Graduate, Perth
My manager is very accessible and provide mentorship. Aurecon also encourages other mentors within the company to help employees to expand.
Midlevel, Brisbane
Yes. We have monthly/ Once in two month sessions with the management team. Accessibility is not as easy as they are always a lot busier. Feedback, praise and recognition is usually done via email and only initiated by a team/project lead.
Graduate, Melbourne
My direct manager connect very well with me. However, upper management does not connect well with lower levels.
Graduate, Maroochydore
Managers are accessible and excellent mentors.
Graduate, Adelaide
Have a whole group dedicated to emerging professional growth, development and interaction with senior employees. Feedback is being worked on currently
Midlevel, Sydney
Very satisfied with my managers for EIC team, local manager and upper management of very good and am very happy that I landed up with them.
Graduate, Gladstone
Managers are very accessible, transparent and regular in their communication. Mentorship is explicitly encouraged.
Midlevel, Brisbane